Haven't written anything...(for my novel: RUSH) in the past 2 weeks. But today...oh...today I managed to add 35 hand-cramping pages on to my novel manuscript via my Lenovo!
But here's the kicker: I didn't go back and re-read every paragraph/page before moving on to the next---like I usually do in a very OCDish manner.lol. I just keep it flowing non-stop!
What's The Muse.?. I have no clue. Wish I did! It's bright and the sky is full of light (well was...the sun is just going down). Weird, because I usually only write around 3a.m.ish hours. But today, NOPE!
Is my creative "writing at night" cycle broken.?. Who knows...but I am looking forward to more daytime writing. I absolutely love what I created today!
Although, I am known to go back and change things 50,000 times only to go right back to the original idea...
but for now I am a happy little author in the making!

Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
But here's the kicker: I didn't go back and re-read every paragraph/page before moving on to the next---like I usually do in a very OCDish manner.lol. I just keep it flowing non-stop!
What's The Muse.?. I have no clue. Wish I did! It's bright and the sky is full of light (well was...the sun is just going down). Weird, because I usually only write around 3a.m.ish hours. But today, NOPE!
Is my creative "writing at night" cycle broken.?. Who knows...but I am looking forward to more daytime writing. I absolutely love what I created today!
Although, I am known to go back and change things 50,000 times only to go right back to the original idea...
but for now I am a happy little author in the making!
*note* I did change my Writer's PlayList this morning...so maybe that could be it....hmm!

Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
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