Teyana. Miss Teyana Taylor has a new official blog. Check her out in my followers list or head to http://www.lifewithteyana.blogspot.com If you dont know who Teyana Taylor is Google her! Super Dope Chick...very inspirational to young people...rockin that it's cool to be different swag! Be sure to bookmark her blog, add her to your list!

Host. Okay so I've been slacking on reading The Host. It's a good book. But it's not grabbing me and making me not want to put it down like the Twilight Saga did...BTW Spielberg has a nerve calling out Stephenie Meyer stating she's not a good writer. He said her writing sucks, basically. Comparing her to J.K. Rowling the Harry Potter writer. First of all why must people constantly compare everything. They're two different people with two different writing styles. And from the numbers it seems to me that people love the Twilight Saga just as much as they love the Harry Potter books. Spielberg's comments sounds a little bitter to me...or maybe he just wanted his name out there in the mist of the Twilight hype.
BTW Spielberg's new show on Showtime United States of Tara rocks! Major kudos on the that show!!! Comes on Sunday nights at 10pm i believe...or watch it On Demand!

CosmoGirl. Is officially out of print! No longer exist! Wow...recession is a killer huh...loved that magazine. Here's one of the official statements:
Hearst is shutting down the print edition of CosmoGirl. AdAge reportsCosmoGirl that after the December issue of subscribers will receive Seventeen instead. The cosmogirl.com website will continue. AdAgeCosmoGirl also reports that ad pages at have been on the decline.
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea

Host. Okay so I've been slacking on reading The Host. It's a good book. But it's not grabbing me and making me not want to put it down like the Twilight Saga did...BTW Spielberg has a nerve calling out Stephenie Meyer stating she's not a good writer. He said her writing sucks, basically. Comparing her to J.K. Rowling the Harry Potter writer. First of all why must people constantly compare everything. They're two different people with two different writing styles. And from the numbers it seems to me that people love the Twilight Saga just as much as they love the Harry Potter books. Spielberg's comments sounds a little bitter to me...or maybe he just wanted his name out there in the mist of the Twilight hype.
BTW Spielberg's new show on Showtime United States of Tara rocks! Major kudos on the that show!!! Comes on Sunday nights at 10pm i believe...or watch it On Demand!

CosmoGirl. Is officially out of print! No longer exist! Wow...recession is a killer huh...loved that magazine. Here's one of the official statements:
Hearst Closes Print Edition of CosmoGirl

CosmoGirl, the Cosmo spinoff introduced in 1999, follows Time Inc.'s Teen People and Hachette's ElleGirl out of print. Ad pages in the first three quarters came in 14.4% lower than in the same period last year, according to Media Industry Newsletter. Circulation slipped 1.4% in the first half but sank 18% on newsstands, where advertisers often look for signs of a magazine's vitality, according to reports filed with the Audit Bureau of Circulations.
"This was a very difficult decision, and I want to extend my personal appreciation to Editor in Chief Susan Schulz, who joined CosmoGirl shortly after its launch, nearly a decade ago, and has been its editor for the past five years," said Cathie Black, president of Hearst Magazines, in an internal e-mail this morning. "She is a highly talented editor and will continue to work with us on a special-projects basis."The New York Times blames CosmoGirl's demise on "competition from the Web and celebrity weeklies."R.I.P. CosmoGirl.
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
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