DK. The whole situation is so sad. Aubrey was my fav....but i have to say in my personal opinion she was in the wrong (sometimes you just need to shut up...pick your battles with care). And the whole Playboy thing she on now is: no comment SMH. Dawn ROCKS. Her voice and writing skills are amazing. I feel bad for her...seems like she has alot on her shoulders. I think she'll do great with or without DK. And why Shannon M.I.A.?
Day26. Love Day26 album. Co-star is my fav song. Why was that not a single??? On all most every episode to date including tonight they seem so touchy/sensitive.ie: Q. Geesh. They argue over the stupidest things. Have they not learned anything from DK. On a non-irritating note-Rob spoke some serious truth in the end of the show...makes you think "Making the Band Curse" hmm. BTW Will is a total hottie.Enough said.
Donnie. His album is FAB. I am surprised the sales weren't so good. I love that album. His dream may in jeopardy as Diddy stated but hopefully he'll hang in there and not get discouraged. Bring it Donnie. You got it in you!...FYI of you dont have his album go get it's FIRE!
Diddy. Makinghisband.hmm.okay.auto tune...why?When is that gonna be over. Auto tune needs to be over with really.Geesh
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
Day26. Love Day26 album. Co-star is my fav song. Why was that not a single??? On all most every episode to date including tonight they seem so touchy/sensitive.ie: Q. Geesh. They argue over the stupidest things. Have they not learned anything from DK. On a non-irritating note-Rob spoke some serious truth in the end of the show...makes you think "Making the Band Curse" hmm. BTW Will is a total hottie.Enough said.
Donnie. His album is FAB. I am surprised the sales weren't so good. I love that album. His dream may in jeopardy as Diddy stated but hopefully he'll hang in there and not get discouraged. Bring it Donnie. You got it in you!...FYI of you dont have his album go get it's FIRE!
Diddy. Makinghisband.hmm.okay.auto tune...why?When is that gonna be over. Auto tune needs to be over with really.Geesh
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
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