
StreetAds....Ads running on the street. LOL. Live TV Ads running on the street. No regular black street but Ads...Then an alarm sounded. Everybody froze. A voice came from above, on top of a building via loudspeaker or whatever and said, " On behalf of New York City we would like to congratulate Kisa Zoea on over 5.5 Million ablums sold in the first week". That's when i realized the ads at the top of the street,near the street light, were ads of me. My album release promos running on the streets of NYC.Then everybody started clapping. One girl in the crowd spotted me. Yelled out my name, pointing in my direction. People started screaming and running towards me. I jumped in the taxi. And...
FlyingTaxi....The taxi flew. Up,Up and Away. Above NYC. Dropped me off at a high rise loft building.Level 106. The door was not on the street but on the 106th floor. Mid air. Then the driver said, " Are you okay Ms. Zoea? Your home!". Confused, i went in my purse. Pulled out a 100 dollar bill. But it was tri color-blue,pink and green. There was only one number on the bill instead of four. One big 100 in like 64 font size. I gave it to the driver said thanks made my way out of the cab walked thru the door of Level 106...
Moon...And i was on the Moon.I lived on the Moon.
Talk about weirdness. I have no clue what it is with me and the Moon.
I LOVE IT. But kinda creeps me out too.
(BTW Level 106 is in respect to my b-day i believe. 106, 10/6, October 6th.Weird.)
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
I LOVE IT. But kinda creeps me out too.
(BTW Level 106 is in respect to my b-day i believe. 106, 10/6, October 6th.Weird.)
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
The Hell? I never remember what my dreams are about.
I know right.lol. I keep a dream journal and recorder. Soon as the dream is over i grab either my journal or recorder and document. I have the weirdest dreams ALWAYS.
Kisa Zoea
haahha! sooooo Weird!
I had a weirder dream though i wish it would come true. I dreamed that i was having a conversation of some sort with Anna Wintour and i made her Laugh except I have no idea what we were talking about!
To Jennifer Jewels- Hope that comes true for you! Getting Anna all smiles is a Big Deal!
Had dreams of hit songs i wrote and than wake up and forget the melody and all! That's why i started recording it all before i get up completely.
*but here's the kicker: 106 came out in the lottery that same day. If only i was a lottery gambler...
The moon is beautiful! But yeah ... freaky at the same time ;)