Who Is Kisa Zoea?
Welcome to Who Is Kisa Zoea (zoe-aye)? This blog is dedicated to my journey. My journey with my career in the performing arts and my life in general. I will be sharing vlogs, lyrics, poems, rants, thoughts, what i like and don't,etc. I've been in the world of arts for a long while now....I hate to say how many years cause still i have yet to accomplish my goals...Fact is: success is my biggest fear. Weird things is i am that type of person whom things come to easily. I learn fairly easily and adapt to things easily as well. When i don't i focus till I get it...I could easily have everything I want right now, I know I am capable but still that single fear of success lingers on...I end up with more abilities and contacts of all sorts and do nothing with it.
Well this year I promise myself that is all going to CHANGE...
Welcome to my journey...my world!
Forever and Always With Love,
Kisa Zoea
Well this year I promise myself that is all going to CHANGE...
Welcome to my journey...my world!
Forever and Always With Love,
Kisa Zoea
Cool Layout! Can't Wait to hear more!