Can you say Writer's Block??? I am having an extreme involuntary lack of creativity today............very frustrating. Have not added on to my novel manuscript in 3 days.....Super Frustrating.SMH.
I woke up this morning with 5 scratches along side my right cheek...have no idea what i was dreaming about...lol. Once tho, i had this dream i was saving someone and had to fight off their attacker...In the dream the attacker was clawing at my back and when i woke up in the morning i had scratches along my back in the same pattern and position as in the dream....Super Weird!
Did anyone see Oprah's domestic violence special yesterday....about the whole Chris and Rihanna mishap........SMH. I just wish they would leave it alone already. Geesh.
So i'm pretty certain i am on the pathway to becoming addicted to Twitter...smh. It's an okay addiction tho, right?---------------------------------------yea! follow me/ twitter.com/kisazoea
So yea, keeping it low key today...hopefully i'll get some writing done. That would be NICE!
Oh YEAH, besides working on my novel I am also still working on music! So the goal is this: I plan to have a 12+ song download for you all this summer. Mixtape style, titled The Beginning After The End...the title means alot to me! Been in the music world for a minute....after working with previous management and so forth i lost alot of trust in people in general...and was very hesistant to even get back into music after dealing with that...so that was my end for a while. But now I am at the beginning after the end...so the title is the very definition of my state of mind. I'm super excited to get back in the studio...it's been like 2 years. And i'm working with some DoPe producers...it's gonna be CRAZY! So look out for that...
So yeah i'm off to eat some vegan riblets and a sweet potato like i should have hours ago...lol
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
I woke up this morning with 5 scratches along side my right cheek...have no idea what i was dreaming about...lol. Once tho, i had this dream i was saving someone and had to fight off their attacker...In the dream the attacker was clawing at my back and when i woke up in the morning i had scratches along my back in the same pattern and position as in the dream....Super Weird!
Did anyone see Oprah's domestic violence special yesterday....about the whole Chris and Rihanna mishap........SMH. I just wish they would leave it alone already. Geesh.
So i'm pretty certain i am on the pathway to becoming addicted to Twitter...smh. It's an okay addiction tho, right?---------------------------------------yea! follow me/ twitter.com/kisazoea
So yea, keeping it low key today...hopefully i'll get some writing done. That would be NICE!
Oh YEAH, besides working on my novel I am also still working on music! So the goal is this: I plan to have a 12+ song download for you all this summer. Mixtape style, titled The Beginning After The End...the title means alot to me! Been in the music world for a minute....after working with previous management and so forth i lost alot of trust in people in general...and was very hesistant to even get back into music after dealing with that...so that was my end for a while. But now I am at the beginning after the end...so the title is the very definition of my state of mind. I'm super excited to get back in the studio...it's been like 2 years. And i'm working with some DoPe producers...it's gonna be CRAZY! So look out for that...
So yeah i'm off to eat some vegan riblets and a sweet potato like i should have hours ago...lol
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
So I'm so following you on twitter now, and I understand about the writers block been there done that, and I so missed Oprah oh well there's always surfer the channel :)
Twitter buddy YAY!
Writers block SUCKS!
You really ain't missed much on Oprah....Tyra was getting on my nerves.....me me me she always make everything about her....so annoying....love her tho but that's super annoying