A Night Out With Adrienne Bailon
This weekends The New York Times Weekender features an article on A Night Out with Adrienne Bailon. I am super excited and proud of Adrienne and her success after 3LW! Most people except industry insiders don't know this but I was the original girl set to replace Naturi in 3LW...CraZy, Fun, Surreal times! Both Adrienne and Kiely are Super Cool Chicks and well as their management team Mici and Tse! Last time I seen or spoke to them was a while ago when they were here in Philly for the Cheetah Girls Concert and my lil sister Kaylah finally got to meet them. Super Fun...My lil sister was dressed just like Kiely's character in the first cheetah girls movie during the Cinderella song (which I hand made) and we brought gifts for them too...here are a few pics:
Besides being MTV newest VJ Adrienne is also working on music as well....lately she has been doing some work with B. Cox which i'm sure is FIRE! Click the pic below for Adrienne's article:

Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
Besides being MTV newest VJ Adrienne is also working on music as well....lately she has been doing some work with B. Cox which i'm sure is FIRE! Click the pic below for Adrienne's article:

Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea

NOTEWORTHINESS & BRAIN FOOD Links can be found as pictured below
This weeks NOTEWORTHINESS is TASH. Tash is more than just a Jersey girl, she is a triple threat with a background as a singer, dancer and model. Her debut cd titled Couture & B is coming soon! TASH is currently working with the multi-platinum hitmaker Kwame and producers The Inkredibles...I could go on and on but why don't you check the NOTEWORTHINESS link and find out more about TASH for yourself... I am sure you will become a fan and supporter of hers just as I have!

This weeks BRAIN FOOD is book from the #1 Bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell titled Outliers (The Story of Success). I just picked up the book yesterday but have heard great things about it! I also loved his first two books The Tipping Point and Blink so i am sure this one will be great as well! Check out more about the book in the BRAIN FOOD link or by clicking the picture below....

Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea

.....So Zoned.....

I have to say watching the new show on MTV Taking The Stage is like super depressing...lol. Not really, but makes me miss my high school days @ CAPA (the performing arts h.s. here in Philly). I swear if I could relive those 4 years over and over again.... I would! LoVed it there... I have yet to catch up on any other of my FAV shows but may this weekend...(thanks to TIVO). But I did watch Tyra Banks Show when Steve Harvey was on there....and I must say it was nice to see a show of hers where she wasn't constantly comparing her guest situations to her own...I LOVE her show but she can be very me, me, me and more me sometimes....it's like okay we get it geesh.
I started reading a new book called the Outliers....but I'll leave info on that in another post tomorrow when I update the weekly NOTEWORTHINESS and BRAIN FOOD links!
I have been meaning to do some writing for both my novel manuscript and music this week but haven't....every time I try I get like majorly zoned out. No thoughts running, no movement just zoned out....staring into nothingness.
I had this super crazy dream the other night....more like nightmare tho....I'm not even gonna go into detail cause it was very evil-esque and I'm trying not to think about it but it keeps popping into my head. I have this thing called "Sleep Paralysis" which has been gradually getting worst and more scary as time goes on....My family, friends and I call them "Episodes"...and usually (like the other night) when I have an "episode" I am also "dreaming" and I'm actually awake and aware of everything going on around me at the same time...It's like being in 2 different dimensions/worlds at the same time and watching it like its a movie playing...very,very, very odd and seriously nerve wrecking...lol. You'd think I would be used to it by now cause I've been experiencing it since I was a young child but NOPE. It still makes my heart beat so fast and hard you can feel my heart beat by just gently touching your finger tip to my skin. But whatever.....Indigos/Crystals/Starseeds live on strong and conquer dreams to extraordinary heights, as I am and will always do!!!!!!
SMH....Oh the many stories I could share with you of the happens of my "Episodes"....but you'll soon come to know as that is what my book is based upon...Which I believe is why i'm having such a hard time writing it...cause frankly most of it i'd rather forget even tho I know it's purpose is "good"...still to experience it is scary as hell 98% of the time....but to all I know who have heard of the happenings of it all are always like,"you should write a book"...So I am and hopefully it'll be not only a great novel but also a source to shed some more light along the way for myself as well as others like me! Who knows...?
And now I find myself zoning out again, so with that.....oh wait MUCH LOVE to all my followers old and new xoxo to you all!
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea

Starvin' Stars!
So I just got home....had a very long day @ work.....but my big sis cooked me a special dinner! LoVe HeR....i'm so spoiled...just got home about 10ish and my day is now complete cause I just logged on to blogger and checked out one of my FAV blogs Don't Trip...Yet and they posted this video that ummm.........I so LoVe =)
Yeah this so makes up for my extra long day!
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
Kisa Zoea

Official Video: Ciara ft JT LoVe SeX MaGic
Lovin' this video...CraZy SeXy...you can't go wrong with JT, can you? NOPE....is it just me or doesn't it seem as tho he would be more into a girl like Ciara or Rihanna rather then Jessica Biel? I got the whole Cameron Diaz thing, she's super cool but I dont get the Jessica Biel thing tho.....hmmmm. Anywayz, Love the video and the song I wasnt toooooo crazy about in the beginning but i'm liking it more now...it's one of those creeper songs....starts getting catchy out of nowhere...lol
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea


Solange down in Texas at the SXSW...Her style has evolved for the better! LoVin' her new look! Heard she RoCked her performances! Been a fan since the debut Solo Star LP... I love that she has seemingly 360ed her self and gained a slew of admirers! And she's like the goddess of twitter...lol LoVe her. DoPe ChiCk. 4 sure!
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea

Gossip Girl Covers Rolling Stone

Gossip Girl stars Blake Lively and Leighton Meester grace the cover of the April 2nd edition of Rolling Stone...The cast has an entire 8 page spread full of then and now details, rumors and so much more!
I am so in LoVe with this show! The entire cast is absolutely BeAuTiFul...and seemingly so all have great personalities! Hopefully the show 'll stay in OMG mode and last for a couple more years!
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea

Talk About CrAziNeSs....

I hope these "glasses" come with a safety hazard...SMH. And I know these would be especially uncomfortable for people like me with super long eyelashes. These babies are strictly for video/photo shoots and/or some type of artistic endeavor and nothing more! CraZineSs...
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea

++++++New Additions++++++
New Additions To My Blog
In the left part of the header I have added 2 links
In the left part of the header I have added 2 links
1. NOTEWORTHINESS~ which I will update weekly with one my FaV blogs, sites or a person, place or thing (which 'll definitely fall into the creative and performing arts side) I feel is noteworthy.
This weeks Noteworthiness is "The Surf Kid" blog. Blog home to The Surf Club. These young men are the future of music...Hit Boy, (a member the group) is a production genius and well on his way to the top. They're on some different ish so be sure to check them out!
2. BRAIN FOOD~ which I will also update weekly (or try to...lol) with my FaV books and/or book(s) I am currently reading.
This weeks Brain Food pick is a book that I have already read many times, Being Peace by Thich Nhat Hanh. I LoVe this book! The basic moral of the book is that, " If we are peaceful.....our entire society will benefit from our peace". It's a reminder to all who reads it's pages...to just breathe.
I am also deciding upon different days of the week to post certain things ie: Music Mondays, LOL Fridays, or something like that. If you have any ideas of things you'd like to see let me know! Or I just might wing it like i've been doing....but I think organization would be good!
This weeks Noteworthiness is "The Surf Kid" blog. Blog home to The Surf Club. These young men are the future of music...Hit Boy, (a member the group) is a production genius and well on his way to the top. They're on some different ish so be sure to check them out!
2. BRAIN FOOD~ which I will also update weekly (or try to...lol) with my FaV books and/or book(s) I am currently reading.
This weeks Brain Food pick is a book that I have already read many times, Being Peace by Thich Nhat Hanh. I LoVe this book! The basic moral of the book is that, " If we are peaceful.....our entire society will benefit from our peace". It's a reminder to all who reads it's pages...to just breathe.
I am also deciding upon different days of the week to post certain things ie: Music Mondays, LOL Fridays, or something like that. If you have any ideas of things you'd like to see let me know! Or I just might wing it like i've been doing....but I think organization would be good!
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
Kisa Zoea

Chris Brown & Rihanna Inspire PSA....
I wasn't going to cause quite frankly i'm sick of hearing about it cause something about the whole situation is just so off to me and just does not add up...But this video sparked a question in my mind that has been there since the beginning. And just seeing this has me questioning it even more...
So what stood out to you most within this video?
For me: the one thing that stood out most in this P. S. A. which is an obvious reenactment of the whole Chris & Rihanna mishap...is that the actor playing the role of Chris Brown is using both of his hands to abuse the girl... not just using one hand while using the other to drive...And I have to say actually seeing that reenactment boggles my mind even more as to how exact he did all that damage to Rihanna with just one hand while driving with the other. I guess in a moment of rage anything is possible huh...?
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
So what stood out to you most within this video?
For me: the one thing that stood out most in this P. S. A. which is an obvious reenactment of the whole Chris & Rihanna mishap...is that the actor playing the role of Chris Brown is using both of his hands to abuse the girl... not just using one hand while using the other to drive...And I have to say actually seeing that reenactment boggles my mind even more as to how exact he did all that damage to Rihanna with just one hand while driving with the other. I guess in a moment of rage anything is possible huh...?
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea

Snippet LoVin': Cassie "High"
Can't wait til Cassie's new album comes out!!!!
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea


In the middle of changing blog around....had to go back and change every post made so it can fit in this new template. It's driving me nuts....but i think i like this template better! Change is good....right? Yep! Should be done sometime tomorrow, i want to organize it better, change the red font to hot pink ( But Of Course) and the little blog note tab to pink stars or something cute....and pink! Off to bed now....all this html is making my vision blurry!
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea

Posted on 3/17/2009 04:17:00 PM
No Comments
Labels: Justin Timberlake, Kanye West, Micheal Jackson, rihanna
Labels: Justin Timberlake, Kanye West, Micheal Jackson, rihanna

So I was surfing the web today and discovered this little tidbit of information.
I must say if it does happen.....that would be SuPer CraZy!
I'm already looking forward to a new MJ album...this could just make it soooo much better!
I must say if it does happen.....that would be SuPer CraZy!
I'm already looking forward to a new MJ album...this could just make it soooo much better!
"Michael Jackson is hoping to collaborate with Justin Timberlake and Rihanna on material for a new album, it's been reported.
The singer is said to be considering releasing a new record to coincide with his comeback shows in London this summer.
According to the News of the World, will.i.am and Ne-Yo are both involved in the project, while rapper Kanye West has submitted tracks for Jackson to consider.
Last week, Randy Phillips, chief executive of AEG Live, said Jackson would release a new single before he begins his residency at the O2 Arena on July 8th.
“Michael has got some new music and he is looking for a new way of disseminating his material to his fans,” Mr Phillips said.
It's thought Jackson could follow the example set by Prince, who performed a similar residency at the venue two years ago, and give away an album to ticket holders.
More than one millions tickets for Jackson's comeback gigs were sold last week. The residency will run until the end of February 2010."
Kisa ZoeaForever and Always Love,


Click pic above for KiD Cudi's entire blog statement
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
Kisa Zoea

" U wear that same d*am jacket all the time "...LMAO...
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
Kisa Zoea

Dude is going off...SMH
Just press play....SUPER, SUPER FUNNY.
He seem so serious too...lol
Just press play....SUPER, SUPER FUNNY.
He seem so serious too...lol
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
Kisa Zoea

LoVe this song.
It's a MUST Download!
XtraOrdinary Love - Surf Club
XtraOrdinary Love Download
Be sure to check out The Surf Club Blog @ thesurfkid.blogspot.com
It's a MUST Download!
XtraOrdinary Love - Surf Club
XtraOrdinary Love Download
Be sure to check out The Surf Club Blog @ thesurfkid.blogspot.com
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea

Myspace keeps trying to bug me....Warning screen shows up every time i've logged in for like the past month...Super Annoying! I think my myspace feels neglected because i've been spending too much time blogging on Blogger and Twittering : ( It's trying to get back at me...LOL. SMH. oh well! Muahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea

Tre.D.Crazi.ft. TaylorSwift.
I LoVe this remix Tre D Crazi ft Taylor Swift
missharleyquinn from Tre D Crazi on Vimeo.
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea

Can you say Writer's Block??? I am having an extreme involuntary lack of creativity today............very frustrating. Have not added on to my novel manuscript in 3 days.....Super Frustrating.SMH.
I woke up this morning with 5 scratches along side my right cheek...have no idea what i was dreaming about...lol. Once tho, i had this dream i was saving someone and had to fight off their attacker...In the dream the attacker was clawing at my back and when i woke up in the morning i had scratches along my back in the same pattern and position as in the dream....Super Weird!
Did anyone see Oprah's domestic violence special yesterday....about the whole Chris and Rihanna mishap........SMH. I just wish they would leave it alone already. Geesh.
So i'm pretty certain i am on the pathway to becoming addicted to Twitter...smh. It's an okay addiction tho, right?---------------------------------------yea! follow me/ twitter.com/kisazoea
So yea, keeping it low key today...hopefully i'll get some writing done. That would be NICE!
Oh YEAH, besides working on my novel I am also still working on music! So the goal is this: I plan to have a 12+ song download for you all this summer. Mixtape style, titled The Beginning After The End...the title means alot to me! Been in the music world for a minute....after working with previous management and so forth i lost alot of trust in people in general...and was very hesistant to even get back into music after dealing with that...so that was my end for a while. But now I am at the beginning after the end...so the title is the very definition of my state of mind. I'm super excited to get back in the studio...it's been like 2 years. And i'm working with some DoPe producers...it's gonna be CRAZY! So look out for that...
So yeah i'm off to eat some vegan riblets and a sweet potato like i should have hours ago...lol
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
I woke up this morning with 5 scratches along side my right cheek...have no idea what i was dreaming about...lol. Once tho, i had this dream i was saving someone and had to fight off their attacker...In the dream the attacker was clawing at my back and when i woke up in the morning i had scratches along my back in the same pattern and position as in the dream....Super Weird!
Did anyone see Oprah's domestic violence special yesterday....about the whole Chris and Rihanna mishap........SMH. I just wish they would leave it alone already. Geesh.
So i'm pretty certain i am on the pathway to becoming addicted to Twitter...smh. It's an okay addiction tho, right?---------------------------------------yea! follow me/ twitter.com/kisazoea
So yea, keeping it low key today...hopefully i'll get some writing done. That would be NICE!
Oh YEAH, besides working on my novel I am also still working on music! So the goal is this: I plan to have a 12+ song download for you all this summer. Mixtape style, titled The Beginning After The End...the title means alot to me! Been in the music world for a minute....after working with previous management and so forth i lost alot of trust in people in general...and was very hesistant to even get back into music after dealing with that...so that was my end for a while. But now I am at the beginning after the end...so the title is the very definition of my state of mind. I'm super excited to get back in the studio...it's been like 2 years. And i'm working with some DoPe producers...it's gonna be CRAZY! So look out for that...
So yeah i'm off to eat some vegan riblets and a sweet potato like i should have hours ago...lol
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea

The Onion "news network" via Youtube
They took it toooooo far on this one....a whole mess.lol.
They took it toooooo far on this one....a whole mess.lol.
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea

Many people hate on or don't like her but...
I LoVe Cassie.
Can't wait for her new album!
I LoVe Cassie.
Can't wait for her new album!
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea

Chrisette Michele - Epiphany from Karla Moy on Vimeo.
Kisa Zoea

Do you love New York?
...Hear what John Witherspoon has to say...
Forever and Always Love,...Hear what John Witherspoon has to say...
Kisa Zoea

Peter Bjorn and John: Nothing To Worry About
I LoVe this song and video.
I LoVe this song and video.
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
Kisa Zoea

I wonder what's going on with her album???
Teyana Taylor singing "His Eye Is On The Sparrow"
Teyana Taylor singing "His Eye Is On The Sparrow"
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea

Rihanna back in the studio with Adonis...so good to hear!
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
Kisa Zoea

Posted on 3/08/2009 06:32:00 PM
No Comments
Labels: Christina Milian, Keri Hilson, The Skorpion Show, Usher
Labels: Christina Milian, Keri Hilson, The Skorpion Show, Usher
Kisa Zoea
Philly's youtube sensation The Skorpion Show puts in their view(s) on Keri Hilson's Beyonce diss. They also call out Usher for dissing Chris Brown and Christina Milian plus much, much more.
The video is kinda long but super funny.
:Check it out:
shouts out to my cousin Barbie for putting me on to The Skorpion Show
Forever and Always Love,The video is kinda long but super funny.
:Check it out:
shouts out to my cousin Barbie for putting me on to The Skorpion Show
Kisa Zoea

Kisa Zoea
Chrisette Michele has out a new single called "Epiphany".
The song is the lead single from her second album (also titled Epiphany) due out March 31st.
And it looks like Drake will be making an appearance in the video.
Can't wait to see it!
BTW: I am loving her new look
( click pic to hear "Epiphany")
Forever and Always Love,The song is the lead single from her second album (also titled Epiphany) due out March 31st.
And it looks like Drake will be making an appearance in the video.
Can't wait to see it!
BTW: I am loving her new look
( click pic to hear "Epiphany")
Kisa Zoea

Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
Kisa Zoea

Miss Milian's "new look" kinda reminds me of Lady Gaga.
But she is still Hella Dope.
LoVe Her.
Note: Christina and Dream look cute together!
But she is still Hella Dope.
LoVe Her.
Note: Christina and Dream look cute together!
Forever and Always Love,
Kisa Zoea
Kisa Zoea
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